Latin Mass This Sunday At St. Mary's!

250 S 12th Street, Reading PA

Hi everyone, this Sunday at 12:30pm we'll be having our monthly Traditional Latin Mass at St. Mary's in Reading. Below I posted a link to the propers so you can print them out, but we'll also bring some copies.

We'll also be having a potluck after Mass. If you can bring some food, even something small, it would be greatly appreciated. If you don't normally stay after Mass for the social, I'd like to re-invite you to stop by. It's a great time to meet new and interesting people and grow in Christ.

We'll begin setting up for the social and schola practice at noon. Our rosary before Mass begins at 12:10.

If you’re a Catholic man and would like to join fellow Catholic men for drinks, cigars, and a theological talk presented by Fr. Maria, come to the Holy Smokes event on Saturday, July 27th at 12pm. Fr. Maria will be speaking on the Diabolical Strategies Against Catholic Men. It’s hosted at St. Mary’s in Kutztown (Not our St. Mary’s in Reading) and should be a lot of fun.

Fr. Connolly also has a message regarding the rumor that the Pope might suppress the Traditional Latin Mass even further on July 16th.

His message in full is printed below.


If you are a consumer of “Catholic news”, you are probably aware of the rumor (probably much more than a rumor) that Pope Francis will issue a document on Tuesday, 16 July, in which he will place even more restrictions on the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass.

Even more than WHAT?

Well (just in case you have been living under a rock for the past three years), even more than the restrictions he has already placed on it. Think “Traditionis Custodes” (2021) and two follow-up documents that placed even more restrictions.

It is rumored that the new document might (gulp!)  even forbid the celebration of the Traditional Latin Mass, although I personally doubt that this is true.  (Caution:  I tend to be an optimist, and have been wrong before.)

All I REALLY want to say about the forthcoming document is the following:

* Pope Francis is the legitimate Supreme Pontiff of the universal Church and will remain so until he dies or (highly unlikely) resigns.

* Despite what some frenzied and erratic Catholics might say, the Chair of Peter is NOT empty.  We DO not and we WILL not adopt the foolish position known as “sedevacantism” (“empty-chair-ism”).  

* We always respect the Pope, whether or not we agree with him.  It is not a sin to disagree with a Pope, just as long as we do so with proper respect.

* So, we shall wait and see what (if any) effect the forthcoming document will have on our monthly Traditional Latin Mass here at St. Mary’s in Reading.

* We shall follow the directions (if any) of our Bishop, the Most Reverend Alfred A. Schlert.  He is the duly appointed Shepherd of our Diocese.  If he tells us to carry on as usual, we shall carry on as usual. If he tells us that we must pack up and move our monthly Mass elsewhere, we shall pack up and move our monthly Mass elsewhere. If he tells us that we must cease and desist, we shall cease and desist, after which we shall cry in our beer (or other beverage of choice).

* We shall retain our sense of humor about things. If, alas, we do not have a sense of humor, we shall look into purchasing one. We might want to check out local flea markets for a second-hand sense of humor.

* We shall remember that “to every season (turn, turn, turn) there is a reason (turn, turn, turn) and a time for every purpose under Heaven”.

* We shall make note that the document is due to come out on 16 July, which happens to be the memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. We might want to ask the Holy Mother to intensify her prayers for the Church in these turbulent times. We remember that she is the Mother of the Church, and she is well aware of what is going on. Mother knows best. She might even turn to her Son and say, “They have no more Traditional Latin Mass”.  We can wait and see how He responds.

* We share the faith of St. Hildegard of Bingen that “all will be well, and all will be well, and all manner of things, all will be well”.

* Popes come and popes go, but Jesus goes on forever!

* See you all in Reading for our TLM on Sunday, 14 July.


We're excited to see you this Sunday at 12:30pm. In case you don't have it written down our address is 250 S 12th St. Reading PA.

God bless